To:           Nature Scene
From:      Maryori Pèrez
Re:         Pasochoa Untamed Nature  VS  Kamchatka Untamed Nature

  • Introduction 

Pasochoa (4.200 meters) is an extinct volcano located in the Guayllabamba river basin in the Ecuadorean Andes. The current mountain form is a collapsed crater with a semicircular shape. This structure emerged approximately 100 thousand years ago due to an eruption which destroyed the crater and occidental slope of the previous volcanic cone

The Kamchatka Peninsula a 1,250 kilometres peninsula in the Russian Far East, with an area of 472,300 km2 . It lies between the Pacific Ocean to the east and the Sea of Okhotsk to the west.

  • Background
  1. Pasochoa is older than Kamchatka.
  2. Kamchatka is more unexplored than Pasochoa.
  3. Kamchatka is the most beautiful place in the world.
  4. Pasochoa is the most beautiful place in Ecuador.

  • Attractions 
  1. Kamchatka has more species than Pasochoa.
  2. Pasochoa is more visits than Kamchatka
  3. Kamchatka is bigger than Pasochoa.
  4. Pasochoa is more fun than Kamchatka

  • Practical information 
  1. Pasochoa is cheaper than Kamchatka.
  2. Pasochoa is easier to locate than Kamchatka.
  3. Kamchatka is the most abundant in nature in the world.
  4. Kamchatka is the most abundant brown bear in the world.
  5. Pasochoa has a more exotic fauna that Kamchatka.

So I recommend both places but I prefer Pasochoa because Pasochoa is less dangerous than Kamchatka and you can enjoy more.   

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